Here's an opportunity to do something that will impact the community.
Help us make a difference.
There are many ways to volunteer, from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.
Let us know how you can help:

If you're friendly, kind and considerate, why not join us and make a difference in the community? Prepare meals and drinks, set up games and use your creativity to inspire others and make a difference in someone else's day.

We are a non-profit organisation, we work together as a family to give as much as we can to our community. We cannot work without support, so please if you can, any donations will be greatly appreciated by all.

We love creativity, so if you have an artistic eye for detail, we want your input. If you have some spare time and would like to 'do your bit for society', put your ideas to good use and brighten up the day. Whether it's finger painting or knitting, please share your skills.
Appreciate U is unique because we offer a bespoke befriending service which highlight's and meet the needs each individual,
whilst honouring our core values.
We offer:
A bespoke Befriending service, companionship & sitting service for isolated people
Support to carry out regular activities such as shopping and leisure activities
Accompany members of the community to hospital/GP visits
Advocacy service to help disadvantaged members of the community
Help and guidance for those who require help filling in forms, and sign posting to other agencies
Light domestic duties, to those that require extra support within their home
We provide weekly continental coffee mornings/activity afternoons, where members of the community are free to come along and engage in various activates with activity groups:
Chess group, domino group, arts and craft group, fruit decorating, jewellery making, information sessions, health coach speakers, life coach and book reading group.
We are constantly looking for volunteers to help with our continental coffee mornings /activities afternoons and also befrienders, to support individuals with social activities, visits to hospital appointments and GP surgeries.
Which service would you like to volunteer for?
Welcome Wednesdays or Friendly Fridays befriending club-/volunteering at the continental coffee morning/activity afternoons
Duo link – an individual will be matched to a volunteer befriender. The befriender will accompany the individual to GP/hospital appointments and will accompany the individual on leisure pursuits.
The volunteer would be required to give 1 -2 hours per week of thier time
What we offer volunteer’s
The opportunity to make a valuable contribution to the community
The opportunity to work for an amazing/friendly team
Training, support and guidance, for the service they wish to work in
Regular 1-1 sessions with mentor
Full expenses and lunch given
Feeling valued